पान:इस्लामी संस्कृति खंड पहिला मुहंमद पैगंबर चरित्र.pdf/११

या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन करतांना काही समस्या उद्भवल्या आहेत

 The manuscript was read by my valued friend Shri M. Harris and, on his advice, the first part is being published as a seperate volume. It deals with the life of the Prophet Muhammad. It is an exquisite example of sympathetic understanding and a genuine appreciation of a life that has meant such a great deal for humanity and a true appreciation of whose work and mission can be of immense help in the process of our own national integration. The author has in unusual measure succeeded in entering the spirit of his subject.
 There are, I understand, not many books on the life of the Prophet in Marathi and I am sure this one will be widely read and will make a distinct contribution towards a better understanding of Islam and the Prophet.
 I am glad to know that the late author's friends and admirers are continuing his great work and should like to congratulate them on the publication of this valuable book.