पुणनिरीक्षण. "As to your exaplanation of the Purânic figures about the years from the Mahabharat War to Nanda, I entire- ly agree with you in holding that the Puranas have un- dergone various redactions and that the authors did not rightly understand what they said about traditional chro- nological figures. Your explanation about the various re- dactions of Puranas seems to me very satisfactory, and you may publish all this in a book-form and invite the opinions of scholars upon it. " "Your attempt to fix the Chronology of Puranic Kings in the light of my theory of the Gavâm Ayana is very interesting and more than satisfactory." १७८ "The points of chronology of the Buddhist Period are tolerably correct and you deserve to be congratulated on the success you have achieved in gleaning the evid- ence from the three available sources (Puranic, Buddhi. stic and Jain) of Indian history. The dates you assign are a little different from those which Mr. Vincent A. Smith has assigned to the kings in his Early History of India. " "It is however, essential, that scholars of your type should endeavour to bring out a chronological history of India as early as possible. Yours is the first attempt in this field." "Your calculations in the Essay on Puranic Chrono- logy seem to be sound. Your view on the different re- dactions of the Puranas seems also to be sound and te- nable. Please publish your essay in full in Maráthi or English and invite the opinion of the learned public in that part of the country. " गव्हर्नमेंट ओरिएंटल पं. रुद्रपट्टण शामशास्त्री, बी. ए. लैब्रेरियन, लैब्ररी, व ‘ गवामयनं ’ पुस्तकाचे कर्ते, म्हैसूर.
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही