
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

[4] of Chandragupta is not now disputed by Western Scholars. We can thus fix the date of the Mahâbhârata war as (951+312-) 1263 B. C exactly. 4 From the Yuga-Manvantara System of the olden times, we know that 6 Manus and 271 Yugas had clapsed from the beginning of the Kalpa to the Bhárata war. Pundit Rudrapattana Shyâmshastry of Mysore has shown clearly that the Yuga in the Vedic period consisted of 4 years, before the five years' Yuga of the Vedánga Jyotish (period) was made current." I, too, have shown, in the body of the work, from Epic Sources, that the Yuga current in the Bhârata times must have been a Chaturyuga of four years, each year being called by the name of the different Yugas; so that a period of 1839 years passed from the Kalpa to the War thus:- 1 Yuga = 72 Ysuga = 14 Manus = 4 years. 1 Manu 1 = Kalpa = 288 years. 4032 years. See Historians' History of the World, Vol. II, p. 475- 481, and also, Smith's Early History of India, where he thinks it possible that the Seleukidan era of 312 B. C. might be identical with the Mourya era of Chandragupta. See his Gavám Ayanam: The Vedic Era, (1908), p. 128 &c; also his essay The Vedic Calendar in the Indian Antiquary from February 1912, where-in he has conclu- sively proved from Vedic sources, that the Vedic Rishis knew different kinds of years and adjusted them by the system of intercalary days and months added at the end of a year or a cycle of four years.