पान:ब्रह्मर्षि श्री अण्णासाहेब पटवर्धन यांचे चरित्र.pdf/२९०

या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

२६६ 'साक्षात्परिचय on account of the peculiar formation of the mouth &c. was not able to pronounce the labial nasal and as he was not able to pronounce the whole series of the vedie alpbabet from to , and as the pronominal forms of the cases other than the nominative case of the personal pronominal word were obtained from the terminal letter of the word ag and were made to preserve and retain that letter to indicate that such forms were the derivatives of the word ag the Vedic people fix the letter in the place of the letter to indicate the Non-vedic individual, &c., accordingly, the verb root अन् instead of was added to the letter by the Vedic people, and thus they produced the word "Nan " (न+ e) to be used for in the case of the Non-vedic 3 races who consequently came to use that word as the form of the nominative case of the first personal pro- noun, and the forms of the other cases, of the personal pronouns were obtained from the letter instead of . Thus in course of time either owing to the coalition of the Vedic and Non-vedic races, or to various other cir- cumstances as the influence of the Vedic teaching declined, especially, beyond the boundaries of India, the forms of the cases of the personal pronominal words or terms formed from the terminal and the terminal came to be promiscuously mixed or confused.