पान:भारतीय साम्राज्य (पूर्वार्ध) पुस्तक चवथे.pdf/४०

या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

२०वा ] धर्मशास्त्र. २७ their general learning was much more con- siderable ; and in the knowledge of the being and nature of God, they were already in posses- sion of a light which was but faintly perceived even by the loftiest intellects in the best days of Athens. " (Elphinstone's India. P. P. 92-94-95. ) इ० स० ६७३ सालीं ईत्सिंग नामक चिनी यात्रिक हिंदुस्थानांत आला. आणि नालंद येथील प्रसिद्ध विहार व पाठशालांत जाऊन, त्यानें संस्कृताचा अभ्यास केला. हा देखील, इतर सर्व वर्ग ब्राह्मणांस अति पूज्य मानत असल्याचे प्रत्यक्ष अनुभवास आल्याविषयीं लिहितो. व तें भट्ट मोक्षमूलर यांच्या लेखावरून चांगले व्यक्त होतें. “ The Brahmans are regarded throughout the five divisions of India as the most respect- able....They revere their Seriptures, the four Vedas, containing about 1,00,000 verses....The Vedas are handed down from mouth to mouth not written on paper. There are in every gene- ration some intelligent Brahmans who can recite those 1,00,000 verses....I myself saw such चिनी यात्रिक ईत्- सिंग याचें हिंदुस्था- नांत आगमन, वत्या चा ब्राह्मणांविषयींचा अभिप्राय men. ( What can India teach us ? By MaxMuller. P. 212. )