या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे

[ सर्ग ५

जरि परिस न भेटे, लोह तें लोह राहे
कनकहि नच तापावाचुनी दीप्ति लाहे ।
अवगुण निवटोनी, सद्गुणांचा विकाश
भरतसुतिं कराया आणि हा योग ईश ॥ ५ ॥
प्रियतमचि हरीची हिंदु-भू हे ह्मणोनी
निभवुनि परचक्रे जीव राहे धरूनी ।
पुढतिं सुख पहाया ईश्वरें रक्षियेली
विबुधे ह्मणति संधी ती फळा आज आली ॥ ६ ॥

 १ “ I profess implicit faith in two articles of my creed. This country of ours is the true Land of Promise. This race of ours is the chosen race. It is not for nothing that God has showered His choicest blessings on this ancient land of Aryâvarta"

Justice Ranade.

 २ Both Hindus and Mahomedans lack many of those virtues expressed by the love of order and regulated authority. Both are wanting in the love of municipal freedom, in the exercise of vir- tues necessary for civil life and in aptitude for mechanical skill, in the love of science and research, in the love of daring and adventurous discovery, the resolution to master difficulties and in chivalrous respect for woman-kind. Neither the old Hindu nor the old Mahomedan civilization was in a condition to train these virtues in a way to bring up the races of India on a level with those of Western Europe. And so the work of education had to be renewed and it has now been going on for the past century and more under Pax Brittanica with results which all of us are witnesses to in ourselves." Ibid.