या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे

 It is an encouraging sign of the times that the literature on the subject of the Coronation Durbar at Delhi 1911, is steadily growing and what is particularly notable is that the growth is visible in the Vernacular Literature. It has now become a commonplace to say that the visit or Their Imperial Majesties George V and Mary, has marked a new and promising era in the history of British Rule in India and that for the first time in that history, the people have seen their Sovereign and known what it is to be touched by his inspiring presence. Vivid descriptions of the visit have appeared in the newspapers, both in this country and in England, and instances of the manner in which Royalty won the hearts of their subjects wherever they went and spoke have been recorded. These the future historian of British India will doubtless in proper time bring together and narrate. But more than history is poetry and for the memory of the sights, scenes and success of the Royal visit to find its way into the heart of Hindustan so as to become a sacred tradition, handed from one age to another, it is to the mission of the poet we must turn ; and it is from him that future generation must get the inspiration to see and cherish the reality of the visions of the Delhi Durbar of 1911 and all that has made it so historic.
 It is some such prevision which must have prompted that angelic soul the late Mr. Vishnu Krishna Bhatavade- kar when he suggested to his friend Mr. G. J. Agashe, the