पान:रानडे इंग्रजी-मराठी शब्दकोश खंड पहिला (The Twentieth century English-Marathi Dictionary Volume 1).pdf/1261

या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे

inatingpr.p. and v. n. Effeminately adv. स्त्रीबुद्धीने, स्त्रीप्रमाणे, बायल्याप्रमाणे. Effeminateness, Effem'. inacy n. ( used reproachfully of men ) नामर्दपणा n, क्लीबता f, दौर्बल्य n, स्त्रीत्व n, रांड्येपणा m, बायक्येपणा m, बाइलेपणा m, नामर्दी f.
N. B.—Efeminate and Tomanish are used in a reproachful sense; reminine and TWomanly, applied to women, are epithets denoting propriety or commendation.
Efferent ( ef'-fer-ent) [ L. ef (for ex ), out of, & ferre, to carry. ] a. physiol. (a) conveying Ortward or discharging (applied to certain blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves etc.) केन्द्रस्थानापासून मूळस्थानापासून बाहेर जाणारा, उद्गामी. (b) coneeyed outward (as opposed to afferent ) उद्गत. E. n. an. oferent deect or stream वाहेर वाहून नेणारी-उद्गामी नलिका f.
Effervesce ( ef-fer-ves') [L. efervescere, -L. ef ( ex ),out of & fervescere, to begin to boil,-fervere, to be hot. ) v. i. to bubble and hiss, or froth and sparkle, as fermenting liquors (qogia gran कोंडून राहिलेला कर्विकाम्ल ( Carbonic acid ) इ. वायु दाव काढल्यामुळे बाहेर पडू लागल्याने द्रवपदार्थाला) (फसफस) फेंस येणे, फसफसणे in. con., जत m. येणे, उतणे, खदखदणे, बुदबुदणे, ओतास जाणे, उतून जाणे. २ to exhibit feelings that cannot be repressed (त्याला आनदांची उकळी फुटणे) of 8. (त्याला आनंदाची उकळी फुटली), (च) भरतें येणें acc. of s., (चा) ऊत येणे; as, "To E. with joy or merriment." Efferves'cence, Efferves'. cency n. फसफस m, फसफसणे n, उतणे n. (b) ऊत m, खतखत f, खदखद f, बुदबुद, उत्सेक m; as, “The E. of wine, cider, beer.” 2 flow of animal spirits उकळी, भरतें, ऊत m, उत्सेक m. Efferves'cent a. gently boiling or bubbling फसफसणारा, फणफणणारा, सळसळणारा. Efferves cible a. capable of effer vescing ऊत आणण्यास लायक. Efferves'cive a. tend. ing to produce effervescence फेंस आणणारा, फसफसणारा.
N. B.-When used metaphorically, Ebullition is employed of sudden bursts of anger or ill-temper. Effervescence is used less commonly, but employed of the natural exhibition of liveliness and good spirits. Fermentation and Ferment, of a state of ill. suppressed discontent or impatience, and especially among a number of persons. But l'erment is commonly appropriated to the emotional, and Fermentation to the material. A hive of working bees is in a state of fermentation. It is dangerous to approach" if some cause has thrown them into a ferment.