पान:रानडे इंग्रजी-मराठी शब्दकोश खंड पहिला (The Twentieth century English-Marathi Dictionary Volume 1).pdf/1262

या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे

Effote (ef-fet' ) [ L. effetes, exhausted by having brought forth young-L. of (ex ), out and fetus, that has brought forth. ] a. no longer capable of proclucing young ( as an animal ), or fruit (as the earth); no longer productive, barren, sterile (म्हातारपणामुळे) फलोत्पादनास असमर्थ, अफलोत्पादक,. worn out with age, exhausted of energy, incapable of officient action निःसत्व, निःशक्त, शक्तिहीन, जीर्ण, क्षीण, दुर्बल.
Efficacious ( ef'fi-kā'-shus ) [ L. cfficere, to effect-L. of (ers), thoroughly and facere, to make.] a. efec. tual, having power adequate to tho purpose ge गुणकारक-कारी, गुणावह, गुणदायी, गुणाचा, गुणदायक, गुणप्रद, अमोघ, प्रबळ, समर्थ, साधनी, कार्यसाधक, कार्यसंपादक, जयावह. Efica'ciously adde. Effica' - ciousness n. Ef'ficacy n. power to produce effects सामर्थ्य n, सत्ता f, कार्यसाधकता f , बळ n, प्रभाव m, सफलता f, गुण m, तेज n, कार्यसिद्धि f, गुणकारिता f" JUFTFF f, &c. Efl'cience, Efli'ciency n. offectivo or efficient porver or agency कर्तृत्व n, कर्तेपणा m, कार्यसाधकत्व n, कार्यक्षमता .f- नैपुण्य 2. mech. the ratio of useful work to energy expended the होणारें काम व त्याकरितां खर्च झालेली शक्ति यांमधील प्रमाण n, सामर्थ्य n. Eficient a. competent, cable, operative कार्यसाधक, कारक, साधक, कार्यक्षमा Efficiently adv.
Efligy (ef'-fi-ji ) [ Fr. effigie-L. efjingere, to fashiou; L. ef ( ex ), out and fingere, to form or devise. ] n. pl. Effigies. the image, likeness, or represeittation of a person 01 thing, whether a full figuro or a part ( commonly applied to sculptures likenesses as those on monuments, or to those the heads of kings or queens on coius 360 medals, but sometimes applied to portraits पुतळा m, प्रतिमा f, बाहला m, or बाहलीf, or बाहुल n, प्रतिरूप n, प्रतिमूर्ति f, प्रतिकृति f. [ To BURN OM TO HANG IN E. पुतळा करून जाळणे-फांशी देणे ( एखाचा व्यक्तीविषयों द्वेष व्यक्त करण्याचा हा एक माग आए। FUNERAL RITES PERFORMED ON AN E. (OF LEAVER! WHEN THE CORPSE IS MISSING Eflig'ial a. Effig'iate v. t. to forin a like figure पुतळा करणे. २ to adopt योग्य करणे. Efigation m. act प्रतिमा करणे n. २ an image or effigy प्रतिमा f.
Emate ( ef-flāt ) [L. efflare (p. p. efflatus ), to blow or breathie out, L. of ( ex ), out and flare, to blow. ] v. t. to fill with breath, to put up, फुगवणे, (च्यांत) वारा m. भरणे. Efflated pa. t. anu pa. p. Effla'ting pr. p. and v. n. Ema'tion 16. the act of filling with wind; a puff, as of wince फुगवणे n.