पान:रानडे इंग्रजी-मराठी शब्दकोश खंड पहिला (The Twentieth century English-Marathi Dictionary Volume 1).pdf/826

या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे

घाबरविणे n.-state गडबड f, इडबड-डी f, धांदल f, गोंधळ m, घोंटाळा m, घोळ m, घोळंकार m, गळफटा m, भ्रम m. (S). Confound'ingly adv. आश्चर्याने, थक्क होऊन. N. B. Abash, Confuse & Confound या प्रत्येकांत गोंधळून जाणे ही कल्पना सामान्य आहे. Abash-(लाजेनें-शरमेने) गोंधळणे; as, " Peter Was abashed in the presence of his Master ; so a modest youth is abashed in the presence of those who are greatly his superiors.' Confuse (कांही अवचित कारणाने प्रसंगावधान व मनाची विशदता, शांतता नाहीशी होऊन) गोंधळून जाणे. Thus, a witness is often confused by a. severe cross-examination; a timid person is apt to be confused in entering a room full of strangers. Confound (अतिशय भयाने कर्तव्यशून्य होण्याइतकें) घाबरणे-घाबरून जाणे. Thus a criminal is usually confounded at the discovery of his guilt. ( Webster.) Another distinction between confuse & confound - as drawn by Smith is given in his own words as follows :- " A person confuses all account when he gives inverted, vague, or contradictory relations, so making it obscure. He confounds one account or circumstance with another when he mixes into one details belonging to both. When we confuse we throw into indistinctness; when we confound we falsely identify. In the former we wrongly put one or more things among others ; in the latter we substitute them wrongly for others.” Confraternity ( kon'-fra-tér'ni-ti) [L. con, together, & frater, Sk. भ्रातृ, a brother. ] n. pl. Confraternities. a brother-hood एकाच धंद्यासाठी किंवा हेतूसाठी स्थापित झालेली मंडळी f, भ्रातृसमाज m, मंडळी f. ( often expressed with a compound ending in बंधु as, व्यवसायबंधु, धर्मबंधु, समाजबंधु &c.,) बांधव m, भाऊ-मंडळी f, भाडवळ n, बंधुमंडळ n. Confrere (kon'frár) [F.] n. fellow-member of a fraternity, an intimate associate बंधु m, समाजबंधु m, समाजस्थ m, सामाजिक (S), सामाजीय (S), (used as a noun ), संघसभासद m, जीवश्चकंठश्च गडी m. Confrication ( kon'fri-kā'shun) [ L. con, together & fricare, to rub.] n. (obs.) च्या बरोबर घासणे n, संघर्षण n, संमर्दन n. Confrier (kon'frīr) [ See Friar.) Same as Confrere. Confront ( kon-frunt') [ Fr. confronter'.-L. con, & frons, the forehead or front. See Front.] v. t. to stand in front of (च्या) सन्मुख-समोरासमोर उभा राहणे g.of. o. २ to bring face to face मुकाबला m. रुजूमुकाबला m- रुजुवात f, उरुबुरु f. करणे-घेणें g. of o. ३ (शी) ताडणे, तुलना f.करणे. ४ to oppose, to resist, अडथळा m. आणणे, प्रतिबंध m. करणे, प्रतिरोध m. करणे. Confronta'tion n. (v. V. 1.)-act. or state.