
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

पुराणशोधक-ग्रंथमाला. अभिप्राय "Please accept my very cordial thanks for the splendid gift of an epochmaking work on Antiqu- arian Research in the Marathi language (the पुराणानरीक्षण), which you have so kindly sent me. It is a great book and a unique one. It is a great pity that it cannot be reviewed and criticised by modern scholars, not knowing Marathi, regarding its able vindication of the antiquity of the ag &c. x x x You have quoted chapter and verse for whatever assertion you make and that has immensely increased the value of your work, and made us respect your opinions. You have raised several important questions such as the restoration of the कल्यादि and the interpretation of वायु पुराण ch. 37, st. 409, which you have so very ably. discussed on pp. 181-190, secking to justify a new and strange sense of a The latter half of the gear is of absorbing interest ork account of the Ancient History, Geography, Harshacharita references &c. * * * Mr. Pavagi's. highly meritorious (16 vols.) is, I think, the only work, in Marathi, which can compare somewhat to yours. 73 V. V. Sovani Esqr. M. A. M. R. A. S. Prof. of Sanskrit, Meerut College, Mirut..