या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही
[146] ਯੌਨ- , s. saffron, the stamina of a flower. HH, s. hair. , ad. how large? Я, ad. when. ad. when. 6, s. a plantain. , ad. of what place. s. imprisonment. मैनस, s. the residence of Shiva. ra 8. s. tribe of Hindoos, properly, a fisherman. , s. the name of one of the Hindoo states of beatitude. , s. the avenging an injury done to another. मैजनी, , s. one who avengeth any affront. , ad. how? , ud. how? , s. the name of a bird (cuculus orientalís). , s. a crore or ten millions. लेव्याधीश, s. a treasurer, a banker.. 3, s. an apartment.