या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही
Pe [ 234 J नम. , s. a multitude of people. v. to be produced, to result from, to arise. , s. a mother, that from which any thing is produced. 9 , s. a report, a rumor. s. a rumor, a report, fame. s. produced, caused. , s. a worm (inhabiting a human body). s. an animal. , s. a birth, a production. A, ad. after a succession of births, , ad. in a future birth. , s. the lunar day in which any person is born. ,. to be produced, to accrue, to result from. qa, s. the writing on which the fortune of a child is written at its birth. बम भुमी, s. the written calculation of a nativity. s. the calculation of a nativity. s. a native country.