पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/७५

या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे


आंबा, s. a mango.

आंबाडा, s. the leaves of hibiscus Surattensis, which are tied as an esculent vegetable.

आंबट, a. sour, acid.

आंबस, a. sourish.

आंबोली, s. mango bread, a pickle of small mangos.

आम्ही, pron. 1 (honorific), we.

आंपोली, s. mango bread, a sort of food made of the inspissated juice of mangos and oil.

आय, s. income.

आयकण, . to hear.

आयव्यय, s. income and expenditure, receipts and disbursements.

आयव्ययस्थिती, s. a person's circumstances, stock, capital.

आयास, s. labour, trouble, exertion.

आयु, s. the time allotted for any one's life, age, life time.

आयुध, s. arms.