या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही


articles were written with an utilitarian intent of putting forward his core ideas, such thoughts might not have found any mention in the articles. Dr. Kalbag rarely takes the luxury of reflecting on philosophical issues. In one of the articles titled "Why India needs Vipassyana" (Ref: Chapter 27) he submits his thoughts on real causes of misery and the significance of vipassyana in a distilled form. In another article he reflects about the journey beyond eradication of poverty. He says, "Assuming this eradicates poverty, brings prosperity, shall we be happy and peaceful? No. Already we see that the world cannot support spending of its resources in the way the present prosperous society is spending. It is not just a question of the environment. Are the people actually happy? Do they have the peace of mind? Neither the rich, nor the poor are happy. Neither the 'materialist' west nor the 'spiritual' India /east are happy. It is not the Western Model or the Eastern. We have all, by and large, lost the Art of Living. We are confused about what the quality of life means. We do not know how to progress in S and T and yet live a frugal and happy life". (Ref: Chapter 12, "Vigyan Ashram, where do we go from here") This shows the inner Indianness of the man who constantly spoke about science, technology and development. Interestingly, he himself has demonstrated a way of leading such happy and frugal life at Vigyan Ashram. Sangram Gaikwad sanga2268@yahoo.com Rural Development Through Education System 25